Cloud Customers Need to Secure Their Own Data

In response to the recent Capital One data breach, where a hacker exploited a misconfigured open-source Web Application Firewall hosted within Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Amazon CTO reminded customers that they must secure their own data when housed on AWS infrastructure.

This seems obvious, but it is a very important point.

When you move your data into AWS or any cloud provider, because it is not in our your data centers, and because you often no longer employ full-time people to manage the server hardware and software that house that data, you might get the feeling that someone else is managing our data just as carefully as our own staff once did.

That may be true for some dimensions of data management. For example, the cloud provider is responsible for making sure that the hardware stays up and running. Likewise, when you use software as a service (SaaS) or platform as a service (PaaS), the service provider is responsible for making sure that the application software and/or operating system stays up and running. In the case of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offerings, the customer is still responsible for the latter two functions.

But in all the above cases, the customer is ultimately responsible for the security of their own data. The AWS security documentation describes it this way:

    • Security of the cloud – AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs AWS services in the AWS Cloud. AWS also provides you with services that you can use securely. Third-party auditors regularly test and verify the effectiveness of our security as part of the AWS Compliance Programs. To learn about the compliance programs that apply to Amazon EC2, see AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program.
    • Security in the cloud – Your responsibility is determined by the AWS service that you use. You are also responsible for other factors including the sensitivity of your data, your company’s requirements, and applicable laws and regulations.

The key takeaway is that if you have your data in any cloud service, you must be as rigorous in securing that data as if it were in your own data center—and in some cases even more so.

Following are some key things to think about when moving your data into the cloud. These are the same considerations you need to focus on when keeping your data in-house. Some of these concerns only apply to IaaS in the cloud, while others are relevant to all cloud service scenarios.

    • Is the underlying storage configured properly so that only the database software, application software and authorized users can access it?
    • Is the data encrypted both at rest and in transit?
    • Is proper authentication in place for the application or database, to ensure that only proper users can gain access to the system?
    • Is proper authorization in place for the application or database, such that data is exposed only to the proper users?
    • Is the network configured properly to reduce the surface area vulnerable to attack?

These considerations are not new. In fact, our Database Security Roadmap, initially created primarily with on-premises systems in mind, is still completely relevant with cloud technology.

Download the roadmap to make sure you have all the bases covered.


Oracle Data Encryption Options

Oracle Data Encryption Options

Oracle offers various authentication and audit features to protect data from unauthorized access. But what about data at rest in operating system files, backups or other storage media?

Protect Oracle Data At Rest With TDE

To protect data at rest, Oracle offers Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). With TDE you can encrypt sensitive data so that it is unreadable if the file it is stored in is exfiltrated or breached.

Data you encrypt with TDE is “transparently” decrypted when it is accessed by authorized users and applications. That is, decryption takes place without users even being aware that data is encrypted. Likewise, applications that process sensitive data can offer data encryption via TDE with little or no code changes.

Why use TDE? It helps ensure that your sensitive data is secure, supports compliance with a wide range of regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), HIPAA and PCI, and can simplify your overall encryption/decryption policy and operations.

Another benefit of TDE is that it is pretty fine-grained. You can encrypt data at the column level or the tablespace level. Column-level encryption is perfect for confidential data like social security numbers or credit card numbers that are stored in table columns.

When you encrypt a tablespace, all objects created in that tablespace are encrypted automatically. Tablespace level encryption works well for tables that store sensitive data in multiple columns, or for when you want to protect an entire table and not just individual columns. It’s also handy anytime you want to avoid doing a nitty-gritty analysis of each table column to determine which ones require encryption.

To enable decryption and prevent unauthorized decryption, TDE uses a two-tiered, key-based encryption architecture. It stores encryption keys in a keystore, a hardware or software security module separate from the database. You can centrally (and automatically) manage these keystores using Oracle Key Vault.

To encrypt a tablespace, TDE uses an externally stored master key to encrypt the TDE tablespace encryption key, which is used to encrypt/decrypt tablespace data. For column-level encryption, Oracle transparently accesses a TDE master encryption key to encrypt or decrypt the TDE table key, which then encrypts/decrypts column-level data in the table.

Encryption Best Practices

Of course, your encryption strategy should be integrated with your overall information security program. Best-practice security tips related to encryption include:

      • Start by determining how sensitive the data is. Data that requires the strongest protection can be encrypted using the AES256 algorithm. Conversely, you can encrypt less sensitive data in several ways that offer performance benefits.
      • You also need to determine your approach to keystore protection based on data sensitivity. Options range from auto-login software keystores to hardware keystores. A separate keystore for TDE only is ideal if possible.
      • To limit damage from compromised admin credentials or insider threats, consider assigning separate security admins for TDE and for the database(s).
      • Backup your sensitive data using protected backup procedures.
      • Be aware that column-level encrypted data is decrypted during expression evaluation and could potentially be accessed in the associated on-disk swap file.
      • Also be aware that your Oracle data files could contain plaintext fragments (aka “ghost records” that were deleted logically from the table but still exist physically on-disk. These could potentially be accessed similarly to finding data on-disk after it has been deleted at the operating system level.

For more information on TDE, see the Oracle Advanced Security Guide online.

For expert help and guidance with encryption, backup/recovery, high availability and other business continuity and security concerns, contact Buda Consulting for a security risk assessment—the first step to finding and closing the gaps in your database security.

Lock the Safe—Secure the Database

You are going away on a much-needed vacation to Aruba. You will only be gone for a week. But you understand the importance of security, so you make sure you lock the windows and doors. You put the lights on a timer so would-be thieves think there is some activity in the house. You cancel the newspaper so they won’t be piling up outside and you ask your neighbor to watch the house in case he sees anything unusual.

Before you leave, you go to the bedroom where you keep the safe. All of your important papers are in there, and that watch that Dad left you, and your wife’s favorite earrings. Oh, and that brooch from Grandma. Not really your wife’s style but she would never part with it because Grandma was her favorite.

The Complacency

You grab some cash and the passports out of the safe, and you start to lock it up… But whenever you close it up, it is always such a pain to remember the combination, and you have to turn that knob so many times before you get it right. Besides, you locked all the doors and windows, and you have your neighbor watching the house. The perimeter is secure. So is there really any need to lock the safe?

The Dog

You have made arrangements for your nephew Tommy to walk your yellow lab Miles while you are gone. Tommy is such a fine young man and always willing to help.

The Double Trouble

Tommy hits a double down the first base line the day after you leave and breaks his ankle sliding into second. Tommy asks his friend Joey to walk Miles for him, because it’s hard to walk a dog on crutches.

He hasn’t mentioned it to Tommy, but Joey has been losing at the poker table lately. He borrowed a couple of thousand from that guy Rocco down the street, and took it to the tables thinking his luck would turn around. But now he’s just deeper in debt, and he doesn’t know how he will ever pay back that much money.

The Loss

When Joey opens your front door with Tommy’s key, he walks in and sees the beautiful furnishings in your home.  He walks upstairs and peeks in the bedroom. He sees the safe, walks over and tries the handle. He thinks “How lucky am I?” as the door swings open. Seeing all of the cash that you left in the safe, Joey thinks, “If this money was really important to them, they would have locked the safe.” After grabbing the cash, the brooch and the watch catch his eye and he can’t help himself. He grabs it all and closes the safe, not worrying for the moment what happens when you get home. At least he can get Rocco off his back.

The Lesson

Of course, you would never really do this!  You would be crazy to leave valuables in an open safe just because you locked your windows and doors. You know that securing the perimeter is not good enough. Right?

But this is exactly what many IT groups are doing every day. They spend lots of time and money securing their network’s perimeter. But they neglect the security of the safe holding all of their jewels—the database.

By strongly securing the database (locking the safe), you can protect your data assets from bad actors who get through the perimeter security. This may be hackers who break things for fun, criminals intent on gathering data they can sell or exploit, or disgruntled employees who didn’t even have to break through the perimeter in the first place.

The Action Plan

Don’t leave your safe open!  Your database has many vulnerabilities just waiting for a guy like Joey to find. Have a thorough security assessment performed today, take action, and make sure Joey goes home empty-handed.

Database Patch News — November 2019 (Issue 1)

Database Patch News — November 2019 (Issue 1)

Welcome to Database Patch News, Buda Consulting’s monthly newsletter of current patch information for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. Here you’ll find information on available patches—including security patches—and desupported versions made available during the past month.

Why should you care about patching vulnerabilities and bugs? Two big reasons:

  1. Unpatched systems are a top cyber attack target. Patch releases literally advertise vulnerabilities to the hacker community. The longer you wait to patch, the greater your security risk.
  2. Along with running a supported database version, applying the latest patches ensures that you can get support from the vendor in case of an issue. Patching also helps eliminate downtime and lost productivity associated with bugs.

Here are the latest patch updates for Oracle and SQL Server:

Oracle Patches:

Oct 15 2019 Quarterly Patch Updates:

19c – Release Update 19.5 available

18c – Release Update 18.8 available – OCT 2019 RELEASE UPDATE available.
Regular support ends Mar 2023 and extended support ends Mar 2026. – Currently in extended support.
The last freely available patch was July 2019 for The Oct 15 2019 Patch Set Update (PSU) is available but may require extended support purchase to access it. Patches will be release until July 2021 for this version. PSU is available. – Entered extended support in December 2017
The last free available patch was October 2018 for PSU is available but may require clients purchase extended support to access it.

SQL Server Patches:
SQL Server 2017 incremental servicing model (ISM)
CU17 (Latest build)—Released October 08, 2019

SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2
Release date: April 24, 2018

SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 3 Cumulative update 4
Release date: July 29, 2019

SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 2 Cumulative update 18
Release date: July 29, 2019

A Simple Way to Improve Data Security

Shrink Your Sensitive Data Footprint

Protecting data is hard. Knowing for sure that you have identified and mitigated every vulnerability takes a lot of work and constant vigilance.  The more servers you have to harden, the more databases you have to protect, the more work it is, and the more likely you will leave a hole somewhere. So it makes sense to reduce your sensitive data footprint as much as possible.

Data Masking

The concept of data masking has been around for a long time, but we have found that many companies don’t yet use it in their development environments. By having full production data sets in dev and QA environments,  we needlessly expand our sensitive data footprint and add significant vulnerability.

Think about it, our development environments are the least protected of all of our systems, and they are the most exposed. Developers frequently have full access to all the data in the development environment, and even have the ability to extract data, typically loading subsets of it into their own, even less protected, systems, in order to do local development and testing.  Many companies are now using cloud technology for development environments as well, which are outside of their corporate firewalls, adding even more risk.

This significant risk is relatively easily mitigated by masking all data in development and QA environments.

How it works

Typically, data masking vendors will have a tool that enables the discovery of sensitive data. Discovering this data is helpful even if you don’t plan to mask your data. The tools have default, expected, search patterns for sensitive data, and you can add your own as well if you feel that your system contains sensitive data that is not represented by the default patterns.

After discovering the data, you can specify a pattern or function that will be used to alter or obfuscate the data as it is stored in the database (or in the case of SQL Server, will alter it as it is extracted from the database). For example, you can choose to randomize the numbers within a phone number field in order to change the values but keep the formatting so development and testing can still be done using the data.

Data Masking offerings by Oracle and SQL Server

Oracle has a very robust Data Masking solution called Data Masking and Subsetting.  It is not cheap but the cost is not significant compared to the costs associated with a data breach.  And after you thoroughly mask the data, you no longer have to spend as much time and effort hardening the target environments, so the costs are further mitigated.  It works by identifying and then masking data that will be placed into development environments. So the development environments never have the real data.

SQL server’s data masking offering, Dynamic Data Masking (DDM), masks data as it is retrieved by sql queries.  This is less secure because the target databases do have the real data in them. Only users with unmask privileged users can view the real data but that does require additional security administration on the development environments. So while this is an improvement over having no masking, it is not as secure as using Oracle’s approach.

Third Party Data Masking Offerings

There are also third party tools for data masking such as DataVeil, which has a free version that includes some standard masking functions and a paid version that includes some more advanced masking functions. Data Veil works on both Oracle and SQL Server, as well as other databases.

Just Mask It

So the bottom line is that there are good options available for masking data in your development environments and doing so can significantly reduce your vulnerability to data leaks .  With any of these tools, it will take a little work up front to discover and to determine the proper masking functions for the data, but once done, it can be re-applied easily each time you refresh your dev environments and it is definitely worth the effort.

If you know of any other great data masking tools please leave a comment. If you would like to chat about data masking or have any questions you can find us at